The Battle Within

      The biggest battles we may face at times are within our own minds and these can tend to be tricky. For most people the only person stopping them from doing what they want or feeling how they feel is themselves. Whether it's you letting someone getting the best of you or your inability to move on from certain things you must take control of your thoughts. If you let someone else get the best of you because of a past situation then all you're doing is hurting yourself. 

     A problem I've always encountered  was forgiving people for certain things but not forgetting. By not forgetting you're just constantly going to mess with your own head an will never be able to move past certain things believe me I know. No matter what anyone has ever said or done to me I let them get in my head so the blame is on me for letting them control my thoughts. One thing is you have to be yourself in every way don't try to hide behind a facade of try to be something you're not. For example me I hate the night club scene and whenever I go I just don't feel comfortable but if a friend is celebrating something I will try to be there for support. I can't front like I want to do something I really don't want to do. 

Don't  depend on anyone to believe in you if you don't even believe in yourself. Move out of your own way and you'll see there's a clear path in front of you if you want to take it. As usual someone will read this and go "who does this guy think he is" but hey I've stood in my own way plenty of times so I don't want anyone else to continue doing so.


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