Pride - The Good and The Bad

Pride - the consciousness of one's own dignity

Pride can be a tricky thing, maybe because it can help you just as much as it can hurt you. Pride can have you glorified one minute and vilified the next. Now the good aspects of being prideful of course involve things like striving towards achieving your goals and working hard so you and your family doesn't have to struggle. These are just a few examples that show the positive side of being prideful.

Despite the positives of being prideful many of us tend to have too much pride which at times can be a huge detriment in regards to a persons growth. Having too much pride will have you do things like not ask for help even if it just means speaking to someone in order to vent about problems or issues you may have. We must understand that it's ok at times to discuss your problems with someone you trust, it doesn't make you weak it makes you human. We as people especially men can't walk around all the time with this "I can't seem weak/vulnerable attitude" it will do nothing but haunt you as time goes on. Sometimes we have to realize some of the people in our lives and meant to help us and be there for us.

The area where pride plays a huge role is anything involving matters of the heart. A lot of times when you're into someone you front or you keep it to yourself because of the fear of looking "soft" in front of your friends. The people in your crew sometimes can laugh because at the end of the day they have someone but if you don't....what's the point of trying to seem cool/trying to impress them? I get it sometimes you  don't want to call first, text first, ask her/him out, taking her/him out on too many dates, tell her/him how you feel......all because your pride won't let you but has that approach helped? I can't even lie I've had issues with these exact things myself but at some point you have to say "who cares" and do you. Pride has cost me a lot in regards to women I've cared for or were involved with. Nothing is more awkward than running into the only woman who's ever understood you, two weeks before her wedding ( yes this really happened) and then it hits you that your prideful ways probably pushed her away. You can't live for your fiends or love for your friends you have to do it for yourself or else you'll never truly be happy or may remain alone. I'm just a guy sharing my views but I ask you do you feel your life would be different in your weren't so prideful in certain situations?


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