State of Confusion

You tell me you want me to express myself but brush me off when I do. Subtweets and sub posts about “men acting like bitches” appear shortly after I express my displeasure with something you have done. If I don’t express any feelings you say “your cold”, “what’s on your mind”, “why aren’t you letting me in.” Somehow me trying to let you in and tell you what is bothering me has turned into you looking down on me, you challenging my manhood, or you emasculating me. See it’s a lose-lose situation sometimes because if I express myself it could backfire right in my face but then if I keep my emotions and feelings to myself you will also become upset. 
I wish things didn’t have to be so complicated but at times we are living in an error where as a man you pretty much have to shut up and man up. This is fine but what if I have something that is really bothering me and I feel like I can’t even come to you because of the possible backlash I may receive?? Trust me I get it, it’s the “in” thing now to challenge the manhood of men and call them all types of bitch ass and soft-ass adding whatever insult to the end of that. My thing is if you can’t respect our feelings in regards to certain things and also feel the need to throw shots at us about it on social media, then what is the point of even saying anything. 

So please, be mindful of the thoughts you are portraying and how you may come off to whoever it is that you are dealing with. In the long-run denying a man the right to express himself may blow up because he may just explode because he’s had to hold so much in. This is not the cavemen error so you’ll just have to deal with guys who express when they’re feeling a certain way.


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