
The Story Behind The Fear

At some point we all face a time when we look back and ask ourselves......what went wrong in past situations?? Some can attribute their being single to maybe fearing commitment. Now of course different people will have different reasons for having commitment issues if they can actually bring themselves to admit that they actually do.

The thing a lot of people overlook is the value of relationships during this "social media" era. I have seen way too many taken people creep or move funny for me to feel people take relationships seriously. The kicker is always when someone who's involved cheats with you yet wonder why you are hesitant to pursue anything more with them
if they become single. We know too many "foul" taken people and often worry about if we would suffer the same fate.

No matter what people may take breakups way harder than woman. I can admit my "commitmentphobia" came from a past breakup combined with another failed situation. See once we get in that mode of "she is exactly what I thought she wasn't" it is hard for us to shake that off so we approach a lot of situations with the same "bitches ain't shit attitude." Once that hurt is in us it could take a longggggg time to exit and even cause us to ruin potential dope situations in the future. One thing that has to be understood.....until we have our own issues in check there is no way we can be the man you want us to be. Many times what happens is even though we may mention not being ready the woman sometimes feel they can change us which leads to heartbreak.

I have let many good ones go simply because I had my own issues to deal with. Before you wonder why so many men let good woman go, you have to know his journey and what got him to this point. Whether it's his mother, ex-gf, or another special woman a man's fear of commitment is never without reason.


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