The Waiting Game

        One of the more interesting things I've seen being discussed still in 2016 is how long should you wait to have sex with someone. While some people feel like you should wait a certain amount of time, others myself included feel like you should just let things flow. Honestly in my opinion if you come out the gate and say "hey we're not doing anything until after 90 days" then you've already set the tone for failure. As shocking as it may seem some of us men aren't ready to pounce on you when first meeting you. You setting a time  on when things will go down actually makes me feel like you're already judging me and think that's all I want.

         While you're thinking "if he likes me he'll wait 90 days" some of us are thinking let me get to day 90 and dog her the next day. Does that suck? Yes but sometimes you set the tone for that. I've seen people literally have sex 5-6 hours after meeting at 12 hours after meeting and both situations lasted for a pretty good amount of time. I've also been in and know of situations where there was a time put on when things happened and the actual act just was not anything like the build up.

         In closing i'll say this, have sex when you feel comfortable enough to do so not because you thinking having him wait 30, 60, and 90 days will make things better. As crazy as it may sound sometimes time could go by and you just stop paying attention to the fact that you two have not had sex yet because the vibe is still great. So whether it's after date 1 or date 37 don't think waiting or "holding out" will make the situation better. My point in all this is to say that "waiting" does not guarantee anything and that goes for both parties so it's ok to let things flow.

As per usual whatever I write about has to do with situations i've been in or know of.


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